Royal Artillery 1940-1946Gunner Nº1639519"The crowd" 25/2/1946Love Bert 25/2/1946Tunisia C.1943August Bank Holiday weekend 1937... a bit of funValentine's Park, Ilford Feb 1962Post OfficeBert's class 17/6/212nd Dec 1939G.P.O 1929-1973?BikersThe new recruitCanvey sea wall pre 1939Plus fours C.1930Valentine's Park Feb 1962Tunisia C.1943Girl's Rest Home with Nora pre 1939C.1916Beer beach C.1979St. Peter's Square C.1945St. Peter's Basilica C. 1945Mess hall C.1945outside Harry's Bar,Venice C.1945G.P.O blazer C.1960Wedding group 2 Dec 19392 Dec 1939Gramp with his sisterNan & Gramp in BeerBeer beach 1965
Imperial Service Medal for faithful service - Postal Service.
Campaign Stars, clasps and Medals instituted in recognition of service in the war of 1939-45.