Thank you Anthony Bourdain!
I have Anthony Bourdain to thank for introducing me to açai via his excellent cookbook, Appetites. I’d seen it around – my last restaurant is now an açai bar, but I’d never been tempted. The strange thing is that until Mr Bourdain took his own life, I didn’t even know of his existence. Now I do. And, that has changed many things.
Purple Reign
Açai bowls are one of the most delicious things to ever grace your lips. And if that wasn’t enough, they are a great source of antioxidants – especially if you add in the watermelon, berries, and fruit topping. And, I want my breakfast to contain antioxidants so that when I hit the gym (or go for a swim) the antioxidants are on hand to quell the increased production of free radicals that exercising create. We don’t want those little blighters to go damaging lipids, proteins, or nucleic acids. make the following for breakfast and you’re good to go!
serves 2
1 packet 100g frozen açai pulp
1 banana
60g frozen berries
150g watermelon flesh or 150ml apple juice
for the toppings
a handful of granola
a sprinkle of pumpkin seeds
a few mint leaves (optional)
some chopped fruit – i.e., 2 or 3 of the following: 1 ripe plum, 1 maracuyá, a handful of pitted ripe cherries, a handful of grapes, a handful of chopped papaya, mango, or guava.
In a blender or food processor, blend the açai, berries, banana, and watermelon to a smooth puree. You can alter the amount of watermelon (or apple juice) depending on your preferred consistency. Transfer to a bowl and add your chosen toppings – simple and so delicious.